To say Bethany feet are “magic” is an understatement. Her knowledge of the body and how it best moves together brought healing to my body in weeks that years of other services left me still in pain. Rossiter is life changing. I can move freely through my days and if I have a flare-up, I know it will be resolved quickly! I am forever grateful for the freedom of movement I now have! Thank you for sharing your gift of healing with me!

I’ve been working with Casey since November and he’s been an amazing coach and resource for learning and implementing nutrition in my life to create health. As a result of getting healthy, I’ve lost 50 lbs by following the low carb high fat lifestyle that he teaches. I’ve learned what an amazing process ketosis is, metabolically flexibility to conquer hunger and cravings, and what a great tool fasting is and how healing it can be through autophagy. With his encouragement and guidance the past two months I have been able to have abundant energy and stamina by switching to a animal based carnivore diet and I feel better than ever!

My personal trainer recommended Casey for nutrition training in keto. I have been seeing Casey every other week for a year and have seen great results in fat loss through keto. I have gone from 34% body fat to 23%. I have lost about 30# of weight and 50# of fat with an increase in muscle mass from lifting weights. I had been on insulin for 13 years and after a little over 45 days on keto I was off insulin. My endocrinologist was amazed at going from an A1c of 9.2 to around 6.2 in 3 months. I have been on keto for a year adding intermittent fasting and hope to continue. Casey is tops in my book and I appreciate the changes he has been instrumental in helping me make.