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Boundless Body Dispatch October 2022

Casey Ruff

Updated: Nov 16, 2022

Happy October! Thank you, global warming! The weather here in Salt Lake has been spectacular! Here is edition #4 of our monthly dispatch!

Employee of the Month- Bethany Ruff!

We are taking a quick departure from shouting out our Client of the Month to highlight our Employee of the Month! There is only two of us here, so Casey had a 50/50 shot, but he definitely lost out to Bethany! Bethany made a very impressive and intense investment in herself this month. She decided to fly herself to Denver to attend a week-long workshop, hosted by one of her heroes Thomas Myers, author of Anatomy Trains. The course was (very) hands-on and is centered around allowing students to work on dissecting cadavers to learn more about human movement. The course has been extremely respectful of the bodies that have been donated to science and has allowed the students to learn about human anatomy in a unique and up-close way. Bethany is learning from the top thought leaders in her field, alongside twenty other people who flew in from all over the world. We are SO PROUD of her and her willingness to invest in herself and her career with helping people move better and get out of pain! Here is my favorite thing she shared with me after this experience, working on a fellow human who she became so grateful of during the experience- “We are just so fortunate to be here, and to be a part of all of this.”

Bethany turns 29 on the 19th of October, so HAAAAAAPPY BIRTHDAY to her as well!

Monthly Book Giveaway-

The first person to email us a screenshot of a review of our podcast Boundless Body Radio on Apple Podcasts will receive a FREE BOOK! This month we are giving away our last copy of Why We Get Sick: The Hidden Epidemic at the Root of Most Chronic Disease - and How to Fight It by former podcast guest and world renowned insulin researcher Benjamin Bikman PhD! Thank you Monica Chandler for your kind review, and we hope you enjoy your copy of Clean(ish) by Gin Stephens!

Recipe of the Month-

I just found pork belly on sale at my local Costco, and of course our former podcast guest Susie Bulloch, founder of Hey Grill Hey would have an amazing way to prepare it! Check out this impressive recipe and get ready for meat candy! We try to omit as much sugar as we can!

Workout Program of the Month-

Well unfortunately we are about to head back inside for our workouts. Here is a workout that is designed to be done for anyone at any level, just using dumbbells and barbells. If this is too much for you, be sure to take breaks, and skip the more intense exercises if you do not feel ready for them!

Favorite Podcast Episode of the Month-

We have already mentioned one of our favorite people, so we may as well mention him again! Dr. Ben Bikman has been recently featured on two of our favorite podcasts this month! He was hosted on the Danica Patrick Pretty Intense Podcast, and he was also hosted on one of our favorite shows, STEM-Talk, on episode 143 of their show, hosted by Dr. Ken Ford and Dawn Kernagis! It was a fantastic episode, and not only did we get to learn about Dr. Bikman’s incredible research, but we also got a glimpse into his personal story growing up and becoming interested in health, and eventually human metabolism and the hormone insulin!

…And Finally, A Quote We Have Been Thinking About-

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love…”

Marcus Aurelius

Thank you for supporting Boundless Body! As always, you can book a complimentary 30-minute session with us here. Check out our offerings on Patreon, where we strive to provide a much higher value than the price we ask for. And feel free to drop us a line with any feedback at

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